0Hdp019CzlJfzlpbNfXvCGzVdUU Daphne the Doberman: Sebastian Inlet State Park

Sebastian Inlet State Park

Here I am once again freezing my tail off.  Mom gave me her jacket.  I thought we lived in the tropics.  This park was pretty.  There was a nice beach.  I saw surfers and pelicans.  Lots of pelicans.  Maybe we can come back when its warm and take proper pictures.  In the meantime we have to go home and hunker back down.

9700 S. State Road A1A, Melbourne Beach 32951
(321) 984-4852

1 comment:

mary said...

Hey Daphne, You better keep on that sweater, you must be freezing. Awesome beach, my cousin Yogi,(he was the mastiff before me) went up there a lot. We have family in Indiatlantic, south of Melbourne. My mom is leaving me tomorrow. Watched her pack her bags. I hope she comes back soon. You look really good in black and white pictures. Lots of surfers in Sebastion eh? I saw pictures of my cousin Yogi surfing when he was a puppy. He was a cool dog from what I hear. I went swimming today and ate a dead iguana. Man those things are good, tastes like chicken. I don't know why my mom starts yelling at me in front of people to "drop it". Quite embarrassing, she is making such a scene. I went swimming in a lake near my home today too. Maybe tomorrow mom will walk me to the lake before she leaves. I left part of the iguana and I am gonna try to get the rest. I used to swim at this lake when I was two with my friend Onyx, but he is 14 now and cannot walk much. I visit him at his home a few houses away from mine. Well, enjoy the neat hotel, stay warm. That water is cold up there. See you soon.